donate to the FREE STORE SHANTY!

donate to the FREE STORE SHANTY!


Yes! The Free Store Shanty will be back this year and we need your help to refill the winter wardrobe.

Last year visitors to the village on ice took home altogether over 10 large totes of clothing—mittens, hats, scarves, coats, jackets, vests, snow pants, boots, and even snowsuits!

This year we want to continue the tradition of accessibility and help keep the festival a little warmer and especially fashionable. 

We’ll accept any practical winter items in clean and like-new shape. And we especially appreciate hats, gloves, mittens and scarves. We love natural fibers and unique finds! 

Drop off your goods in advance of the festival!


3032 10th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55407

There is a bin on the porch to the left of the stairs

2411 11th Ave S 
Minneapolis, MN 55407

Drop the goods in the bin on the front porch

THANK YOU for keeping shanty-goers warm & happy!

A person with multiple hats stacked on their head gestures to a hand painted sign on the free store shanty
A mannequin dressed in orange and magenta advertises the free store shanty

Photos: Free Truth Media & ASP staff