We’re delighted to introduce you to the members of our skilled, spirited, and smart production team! This crew is responsible for logistics of the festival, including: accessibility initiatives, volunteer recruitment and organizing, zero waste planning, covid safety, artist happiness, and more. They are instrumental in building a functioning, joyous community.
- Sequoia (they/she)
- Pamela (she/her)
- Tori (she/her)
- Madilynn (she/her)
Sequoia Hauck (they/she) is a Native (Anishinaabe/Hupa) queer multidisciplinary artist based in the Twin Cities on the stolen and ancestral Dakota lands of the Wahpeton, Mdewakantonwon, Wahpekute, and Sisseton. Sequoia’s focus is on creating theater, film, poetry, and performance art that decolonizes the process of art-making. They are a graduate from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities with a B.A. in American Indian Studies. Sequoia is so excited to be working with Art Shanty Projects again and can’t wait to get out on that frozen lake!
Pamela Vázquez (she/her) is a Mexican art historian and artist living in the Twin Cities since 2017. She loves learning about urban gardening and everything fungi. Going from her work researching and assisting curatorial projects to working at public art festivals, she is interested in exploring the ways in which art creates space for social change. Pamela has been part of Art Shanty Projects as a volunteer and a juror for the artist call – and as a new member of the production team she’s really excited to help build the 2022 village!
Tori Breen (she/her) is a Minneapolis-based dance and performance artist who graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2021 with a B.F.A. in Dance and a minor in Sustainability Studies. In her artistic work, she’s excited about pleasure, absurdity, justice, ferocity, and curiosity. She is currently dancing with ARENA Dances as an apprentice, and has worked as a Production Assistant at the Walker Art Center and Northern Spark. Tori can’t wait to experience all of this year’s shanties, spend time in the winter sun, and use the cold as an excuse to drink lots of tea.
Madilynn Garcia (she/her) is a Texan who found herself in Minneapolis and in love with all things winter! She has worked on the production team for Northern Spark, as well as on projects at The Guthrie, The Moving Company, and Twin Cities Media Alliance. This is her second year on the production team of Art Shanty Projects and she can’t wait to share the winter magic with artists and guests.