Meet our 2025 artists & performers!

Meet our 2025 artists & performers!

Reflections of an art bike and the frozen Medicine Lake, Art Shanty Projects 2012. Photo: Max Haynes

Art Shanty Projects is returning to Bdé Umáŋ / Lake Harriet in South Minneapolis January 18 – February 9, 2025 (with a Plan Beach and a new Plan C in place, just in case).

Whether you’re one of the lucky 10,000 people who made it out during our only weekend last year – or were bummed to miss out – WE GOT YOU! Some shanties & performances are back! We have many new projects too! Either way, we think you’ll be sonically satisfied, visually dazzled and delighted by our own unique way of celebrating winter together.

We are thrilled to introduce the artists listed below!

Check out the program overview and individual project pages for deeper details! Plan your visit(s) by reviewing the performance schedule. View details on parking, amenities, map, and other good-to-know items on our Visit page!


A rendering of a black shanty on a frozen lake with a projection of the underwater landscape inside
A playful image of a disco ball wearing a wig on a frozen lake.

Promo images for two NEW shanties from NEW artists this year: Opening the Black Box of Winter and The Sync Hole. Photos courtesy the artists

Art Shanty #1
Original concept & design: Peter Haakon Thompson & David Pitman. 2024 builders: Anthony Chapin & Richard Parnell. 2025 artist activators include a rotating list of special guests, to be announced!

Banned Book Reading Room
Jerry Carlson, Cyrus Carlson, Rachel Coyne

Cat World
Eva Adderley, Dan DeMarco

Close-Knit Pavilion
Sara Powers, Amelia Rosenbush, Kate Zimmerman

Crankie Cabin
Olli Johnson and Pete Talbot

Dr. GOONS Miracle Elixirs
Vicky Eidelsztein, Francis Pineda-Fischer, Matt Litwin

Free Store Shanty
Shanty Friends Supergroup

Hot Box: Disco Inferno II
Joe Fagerhaugh, Jei Herald-Zamora, Nick Knutson

Robin Garwood and Samantha Price

Northern Star Film Studio
Greg Bates, Roxie Black, Sam Granun, Shannon Troy Jones, Michael LoPresti

Opening the Black Box of Winter
Alia Benedict, Drew Check, Ted Ozersky, and Catherine Polik (from UMN-Duluth and UMN-Twin Cities)

Performance Stage
Designed by Richard Parnell with build support from Anthony Chapin and Louis Kaufman. Featuring a rotating list of performers!

A Poem for Entangled Living
Spill Paint Not Oil

Policy Party
Met Council Art + Policy Team

Reduce Reuse Re-Xylophone
Mady Gulon, Marshall King, Jakob Mahla, Derek Ronding

The Sync Hole
Beth Derenne, Greg Hines, Sam Johnson, Jeffry Lusiak, Theresa Madaus, Jeffrey Wells, Max Wirsing

Time. Light. Color.
Alan Berg, Elisabeth Farrell, Ian Nystrom

Jayson Randall

Welcome Shanty
Designed and constructed by students at the University of Minnesota School of Architecture. Remodeled and staffed by the board members of Art Shanty Projects.

Wicked Winter
Angela North, Aaron Prust, Clara Schiller, Emily Heller, Sarah Honeywell


A very tall person in a racing snowsuit rides a tiny bicycle on the frozen lake
Three people playing a drum, violin and accordian on the shanty performance stage.

Two returning projects include B-Icicle Race (a classic from MANY years ago on Medicine Lake) and Klezmer on Ice. Photos courtesy Max Haynes and the artists

B-Icicle Race
Jan Elftmann, Greg Leierwood, Cassandra Monson, David Pitman, Mitch Redepenning

Community Sing on Ice
Sarina Partridge

fro-gahhh: yoga for the planet and the people
James Orione

Ice Pirate Radio

Klezmer on Ice
Anthony Afful, Bob Barnes, rafa kern, Sarah Larsson, Daniel Lentz, Or Levinson, Caleb Likely, Pat O’Keefe, Josh Rosard, Pat O’Keefe, Greg Schweser, Di Bayke Klezmer Band

Ladies of the Lost Continent
Monica Rojas

Lady Bear Celebrates 10 Years at Art Shanties
Tony Chapin, Kim Ford, Meagan Juedes, Merrill Stringer, Robert Werling, Sherry Zimmermann

Mishmash Mishegoss
Felicia Cooper, Jax Mercogliano, Lior Perlmuter

Mr. Shim on Ice
Jennings Mergenthal

OPM’s Winter Plein Air Painters
Winter Plein Air Painters from Outdoor Painters of Minnesota

Pollinator Frenzy
Terry McDaniel and the Minnesota Pollinators: Jan Elftmann, Carrie Finnigan, Mary Sue Hannen, Teri Joyce, Ellie Kingsbury, Annie Madryga, Louise McDonald, Catherine McKee, Mary Ann Meyer, Richard Parnell, Barb Rielly and Shanan Tolzin.

Prairie Fire Choir
Prairie Fire Choir

Queer Puppet Clash Presents: BATTLE FOR THE EGG
Abby Arbeiter, Maggie Arbeiter, Roger Easthouse, Max Friedman, Alec Gaige, Mad Radke, and Fletcher Wolfe

Radio SEED – FM
Jäc Miller, scottie hall

Taiko on Ice
TaikoArts Midwest: Ensō Daiko

Twin Cities Native Lacrosse

Three Ring Goose Circus
Three Ring Goose Circus

Weather or Not
snem DeSellier, onionn

Where Do Pigeons Go in Winter?
Artists: Mary Jo Nikolai, plus Zarra TM, Eva Cone Adderley Performers: Maggie Arbeiter, Lelis Brito, Esther Cervantes, Josh Conway, Seth Eberle, Kevin Ely, Elizabeth Giffin, Patty Gille, Terry McDaniel, Kayla Nussbaum, Mary Jo Nikolai, Zara TM. Engineering consult: Willis Bowman

Winter Life Outta Sight
Will Bjorndal & Associates

And a few more coming soon…

A blue pigeon mask on a performer wearing a fancy red outfit
a hand holding a bundle of lavender with tarot cards resting on their body

Promo images for Where Do Pigeons Go in Winter? (NEW this year!) and Radio SEED-FM (which was slated for 2024 but didn’t happen due to the early closure). Photos courtesy the artists